Japanese Quiz: Animals in Japanese

Japanese Quiz: Animals in Japanese

Let’s check our knowledge of Japanese Animals. Can we answer the questions below without looking up the answers on the internet or in our notes?

If you want to review the Animals in Japanese, you can check it here: LINK

Can we get a perfect score?

始めましょう! (Lets start!)

Quiz I: Read and write the hiragana or katakana of each Animals.

1. Mushi
_ _
2. Nezumi
_ _ _
3. Niwatori
_ _ _ _

4. Saru
_ _  

 5. Ushi
_ _
6. Usagi
_ _ _

7. Gokiburi
_ _ _ _
8. Karasu
_ _ _
9. Kaeru
_ _ _
10. Yagi
_ _

Quiz II: Read and write the Japanese equivalent of each Animals. You can write it in Hiragana, Katakana or Kanji.

11.  Horse
_ _

12. Fish
_ _ _

13. Tiger
_ _

14. Deer
_ _

15. Duck
_ _

16. Owl
_ _ _ _

17. Eagle
_ _

18. Turtle
_ _

19. Octopus
_ _

20. Penguin
_ _ _ _

Quiz III: Read and write the Romaji of the Hiragana / Katakana of each Animals.

21.  はと
_ _

22. くま
_ _

23. かい
_ _

24. しし
_ _

25. いぬ
_ _

26. ヒツジ
_ _ _

27. チョウチョウ
_ _ _ _

28. クジラ
_ _ _

29. シマウマ
_ _ _ _

30. タヌキ
_ _ _



Good Luck!

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You can also download the PDF copy of the quiz.


For the answers:

You can check it here: Answer for Japanese Quiz: Animals in Japanese

Do not click the link above if you have not finished the quiz above.

