Word of the Week 3


Word of the Week

Our Week 3 word of the week is:





is read as ひと (Hito) in Kun-Yomi or the Japanese reading while On-Yomi, it reads じん (Jin) and にん (Nin). じん was adopted in the later era in Japan while the Chinese reading にん was initially introduced to Japan. When stands alone, the reading will be .


The pictogram of 人 is like a person standing on two legs. Pictograms are essential in learning Kanji as they represent certain things. Though, I don’t usually use it as I am comfortable memorizing the Kanji and its reading.


is included in the first 1000 Kanji that a learner, like myself, studies. Kanji reading is difficult for foreign students. That’s why I keep on studying and need to practice because some Kanji is read differently from Kun and On-Yomi.

You can check how to write 人 in this link: Kanji: 人


For example:


一人 – read as ひとり (Hitori) meaning 1 person.

二人 – read as ふたり (Futari) means 2 people.


For the rest of the number of people, にん is used.

三人 – read as さんにん (Sannin), meaning 3 people.


Another example that is not Kun or On-Yomi:

大人 – read as おとな (Otona). It means Adult.


When talking about Nationality, the suffix じん is used.

For example:


日本人 – read as にほんじん (Nihonjin) means Japanese.

You can read my previous about Nationality and Language for more examples:

Nationality and Language in Japanese


 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

That’s it for today’s post.


 This is Ringo


 I’ll see you soon!

 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

If you want to check my previous post, you can check it through the link below:

>> Japan’s Golden Week
>> Japanese Pronouns

For Hiragana and Katakana page, please check the link below:

>> The Hiragana Character
>> The Katakana Character

For Word of the Week page, please check the link below: 

>> Word of the week 1
>> Word of the week 2

For YouTube Videos:

>>Japanese Words| Hiragana | I-adjectives

For my Spanish lessons that I am still not fluent and need more effort to study, you can check the link below:

>> 【Spanish Lesson #2】More Examples
>> 【Spanish Lesson #3】Vocabularies

You can also my personal website where I write stories and blog about things I like:

>> Write and Sleep
