Different Industries in Japanese


Different Industries in Japanese

According to the Statistics Bureau of Japan, people working in the category of ‘Craftsman, mining, manufacturing and construction workers and laborers’ were the largest group with 30.1% out of the total employed persons while ‘clerical and related workers’ were the 2nd with 18.9%.


Let’s list here the different industries from the Japan Statistical Yearbook 2021:

(All will be written in Hiragana or Katakana along with its Kanji equivalent as not to confuse everyone.)

1.       Agriculture, forestry and fisheries - のうりんぎょぎょう (農林漁業)


農林 -  (no u ri n) (Agriculture and Forestry) 

漁 - ぎょ (gyo) (Fishing)

業 - ぎょ (gyo u) (Business / Industry)


2.       Mining and quarrying of stone and gravel - こうぎょう (鉱業)、 さいせき ぎょう (採石業)、じゃり さいしゅ ぎょう (砂利採取業)


鉱業 - ぎょ (ko u gyo u) (Mining)

採石業 -  ぎょ (sa i se ki gyo u) (Quarry Industry)

砂利採取業 - じゃ しゅ ぎょ (ja ri sa i shu gyo u) (Gravel pit industry)


3.       Construction - けんせつ ぎょう (建設業)


建設業 -  ぎょ (ke n se tsu gyo u)


4.       Manufacturing - せいぞう ぎょう (製造業)


製造業 -  ぎょ (se i zo u gyo u)


5.       Electricity, gas, heat supply and water - でんき (電気)・ガス・ねつきょうきゅう (熱供給)・すいどう ぎょう (水道業)


電気 - (de n ki) (Electricity)

(ga su) (Gas)

熱供給 - きょきゅ (ne tsu kyo u kyu u) (Heat supply)

水道業 -  ぎょ (su i do u gyo u) (Water services industry)


6.       Information and communicationsじょうほう つうしん ぎょう (情報通信業)


情報 - じょ (jo u ho u) (Information)

通信業 -  ぎょ (tsu u shi n gyo u) (Communication industry)


7.       Transport and postal activitiesうんゆ ぎょう (運輸業),ゆうびん ぎょう (郵便業) 


運輸業 -  ぎょ (u n yu gyo u)(Transportation industry)

              郵便業 -  ぎょ (yu u bi n gyo u) (Portal business)


8.       Wholesale and retail tradeおろしうり ぎょう (卸売業),こうり ぎょう (小売業)


卸売業 -  ぎょ (o ro shi u ri gyo u)(Wholesale business)

小売業 -  ぎょ (ko u ri gyo u)(Retail business)


9.       Finance and insurance - きんゆう ぎょう(金融業),ほけん ぎょう (保険業)


金融業 -  ぎょ (ki n yu u gyo u) (Financial industry)

保険業 -  ぎょ  (ho ke n gyo u) (Insurance business)


10.   Real estate and goods rental and leasing - ふどうさん ぎょう (不動産業),ぶっぴん ちんたい ぎょう (物品賃貸業)


不動産業 -  ぎょ (fu do u sa n gyo u) (Real estate business)

物品賃貸業 - っぴ  ぎょ (bu ppi n chi n ta i gyo u) (Goods leasing business)


11.   Scientific research, professional and technical servicesがくじゅつ けんきゅう (学術研究),せんもん (専門)・ぎじゅつ サービス ぎょう (技術サービス業)


学術研究 - じゅ きゅ (ga ku ju tsu ke n kyu u) (Academic research)

専門 - (se n mo n) (Specialty)

技術 - じゅ (gi ju tsu)(Technology)

サービス業 -  ぎょ (sa-bi su gyo u) (Service industry)


12.   Accommodations, eating and drinking services - しゅくはく ぎょう (宿泊業),いんしょく サービス ぎょう (飲食サービス業)  


宿泊業 - しゅ ぎょ (shu ku ha ku gyo u)(Accommodation business)

飲食サービス業 - しょ  ぎょ (i n sho ku sa-bi su gyo u) (Food service industry)


13.   Living-related and personal services and amusement services - せいかつ かんれん サービス ぎょう (生活関連サービス業),ごらく ぎょう (娯楽業)


生活関連サービス業 -    ぎょ (se i ka tsu ka n re n sa-bi su gyo u) (Life-related service industry)

娯楽業 -  ぎょ (go ra ku gyo u) (Entertainment industry)


14.   Education, learning support - きょういく (教育),がくしゅう しえん ぎょう (学習支援業)


教育 - きょ (kyo u i ku) (Education)

学習支援業 -しゅ  ぎょ (ga ku shu u shi e n gyo u)(Learning support business)


15.   Medical, health care and welfare - いりょう (医療),ふくし (福祉)


医療 - りょ (i ryo u) (Medical care)

福祉 - (fu ku shi) (Welfare)


16.   Compound services - ふくごう サービス じぎょう (複合サービス事業)  


複合サービス事業 -   ぎょ (fu ku go u sa-bi su ji gyo u) (Complex service business)


You can read the full content in the link below.

Source: https://www.stat.go.jp/english/data/nenkan/70nenkan/index.html


That's all for the Industries in Japan.

 This is Ringo,

See you soon.



If you want to learn my previous post, you can check it through the link below:


>> Countries in Katakana - Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics

>> The Furigana

>> The Japanese Sentence Structure

>> My take on JLPT exams

>> Summary - July
